Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Another group of beautiful handouts

Here are twelve beautiful thoughts to share with your sisters.

Consider the Blessings handout

A message from President Monson

First Observe Then Serve Bookmark

This is a nice message for a bookmark handout.

Three nice choices here

She has put up three nice choices for a VT handout.

November Visiting Teaching Message {Conference Preserves}

Love this idea!  Your sisters will get lots of inspiring messages that they can take one out at leisure.

Regrets and Resolutions booklet

This is a nice booklet she put together for a handout.  Well done.

A Great Message for November

Amen to this one!

November Visiting Teaching Ideas

Wow.  Here are 23 choices for you all in one place! The message is to be taken from  one of the General Conference talks that you feel would be a good message for your sisters.  There were so many wonderful and inspiring talks this time so it will be a challenge for you.